Minnesota Association of Family & Consumer Sciences


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Embedding CDA certification in Early Childhood Education Pathway

  • Minnesota Department of Education Conference Center B, CC15 Roseville, MN (map)

This is a friendly reminder for Metro area teachers about the Monday, March 16th “Embedding CDA Certification in Early Childhood Education Pathway”   - Registration link closes next Friday, March 13th

If you teach a Child and Human Development course and/or Early Childhood Education Career Pathway,  please try to have at least one person from your department, especially if you are in the metro area. This training will be at MDE and I’m taking the training around the state over the next year.   The Southeast, Southwest and Northwest area (now scheduled for Thursday, May 7th) have expressed interest in this training and I will work with the consortium directors.  If you are in any of these regions but have IMMEDIATE needs and requests from your district, please go ahead and sign up for the metro area training below.

Cost:      Free!  Lunch is on your own.

Registration link:   https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/P9CFF38

 This is the future of what the first two levels of Child Development and Early Childhood Education level II  could look like.  In addition to providing life skills and parenting skills needed, we are providing students with a career pathway to enter multiple fields which work with children.  Students take this course, not because they want to learn to parent, they take the course because they love children.  Let’s give them a much needed leg up in starting to pursue this career area and acquire work based experiences in high school doing what they love.  Their future of the opportunities in this field are multiple and varied!

Earlier Event: March 5
FACS to the Max Conference
Later Event: April 17
Annual MAFCS Meeting