Distance Teaching & Learning resources
We are stronger together with our collective efforts.
To SHARE your lesson ideas, please submit documents to this Google Folder.
To RESEARCH potential lesson ideas, check out the various Google folders listed here.
Need help uploading? Look here for instructions.
COVID-19 Resources
To learn more about COVID-19 resources that Max Peterson has pulled together, please check here.
QUICK TIP: Moving Through Crisis Situations - Dr.Zane Sheehan (MDE AFNR Specialist)
Rural Mental Health Specialists at MN Dept. of Agriculture spoke to teachers. They shared the following strategies for moving through a crisis situation, specifically processing emotion and moving beyond emotion that clouds the mind, towards planning.
Assess what is within your control.
Acceptance of what is outside of your control.
Make a plan in writing - to do lists, schedule priorities
Begin tasks
Practice self-care (sleep, water, healthy eating, hobbies, exercise, support system, etc)
E-Learning Professional Development
Overwhelmed? Underprepared? Stressed out? Confused? Want to know more how to teach in a digital environment?
We get it! You are NOT ALONE. Here is a list of webinars that might help you as we all take a journey together down this new path:
Please visit our e-learning professional development page for additional training opportunities. The page is continually updated as new opportunities are shared with us.
To help all the wonderful Family and Consumer Sciences Educators, the CCFCS staff and FCSE faculty will be providing a series of FREE webinars focused on tips and tools for distance learning.
Webinars will last an hour or less with demonstration of tools, resources, and Q/A. Can't join us? That's okay, they'll be recording! All webinars will be accessible on their website.
Wednesday, 3/25, 7:00 pm, Google Classroom Basics
Tuesday, 3/31, 7:00 pm, Pear Deck for Google Slides
Wednesday, 4/1, 7:00 pm, Collaboration Tools and Resources in Learning Management Systems
Tuesday, 4/7, 7:00 pm, Tips for Making Quality Instructional Videos
Wednesday, 4/8, 7:00 pm, LiveBinders for Active Learning
Click here to register
APRIL 8th 12 pm - 1 pm
We hope you will join us for the next REL Midwest webinar related to online learning. Sign up here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rlWGeTBtTGG9xMQuiocQuQ
The webinar will cover the following topics:
What considerations should be taken into account for moving to e-learning?
Fostering SEL in an online environment
Managing adult learning in moving to an online environment
Sharing research-based resources
An overview of online platform features