Minnesota Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
2025 MN Teacher of the Year
2025 MAFCS Teacher of the Year Nominations Due by September 30, 2024!
Award Guidelines & Nomination Form
Nominate a current MN FCS teacher (or one who has retired in the past 12 months) who has created and run a family and consumer sciences program that has a FCS Curriculum Focus:
Examples of curriculum focus include an original, expanded or substantially modified traditional FCS content area (as listed below) OR, a teaching emphasis consistently embedded in the nominee’s curriculum, i.e., service learning, technology, project based learning, STEM and communications.
Career Awareness/Job Skill Training (e.g., work/study, literacy education, entrepreneurship)
Consumer Education/Family Finance (e.g., consumer rights, understanding credit, budgeting and managing money)
Creative Dimensions/Alternative Program Designs (e.g., caring for children, the elderly, or the dir cross-age tutoring; internationalized curriculum; impact of legislation on family life)
Family Life/Personal and Social Development (e.g., alternative family structures such as step, blsabled; peer oended, or single-parent families; programs for children in self-care; abuse or crisis intervention programming; dealing with grief and death)
Nutrition Education/Diet and Health (e.g., wellness; food science and chemistry; dietary education)
Although the more generic word “program” is used throughout this document, a teaching unit, semester project, or initiative suitable for integration with an existing program may also be submitted for an award. Please visit the AAFCS site (www.aafcs.org) and review the previous National TOY award winners. Judges are looking for programs that are unique and different than previous TOY winners.
Basic qualifications for Teacher of the Year are:
is employed as a full-time permanent FCS teacher of kindergarten – 12th grade or who has retired within twelve months of the AAFCS national nomination deadline, the second Monday in January;
is an AAFCS member at the time of nomination and for at least three consecutive years prior to nomination;
is willing to enter the National AAFCS Teacher of the Year competition, representing the MN affiliate, by submitting a portfolio of their program by the AAFCS national nomination deadlines; attend the National AAFCS Convention where they will be recognized as an Affiliate (MN) TOY or be selected as one of the three merit finalists, one of which will be selected as the National AAFCS Teacher of the Year recipient. The Teacher of the Year is also requested to attend the State Conference in 2024 (date TBD, likely February 29- March2) to receive their award, present their program and attend a reception in their honor.
Note: Funding will be awarded from the MAFCS organization and the Educational Committee, but the candidate may incur out of pocket costs, need to submit grant applications or work with their local district to cover costs beyond the MAFCS award. AAFCS staff do not qualify for this award.
To nominate the 2024-2025 MAFCS TOY, fill out this form and attach/include your letter of recommendation including the impact their program has had within their FCS department/classes, school and community.