Minnesota Association of Family & Consumer Sciences


stay in the know!

FCS Division Has Its Day at Virtual VISION


This is the year to attend a national conference and see ALL the sessions from the convenience of your home or office! Plus, your feet won’t hurt at the end of the day!

Join your career and technical education (CTE) colleagues as we attend CareerTech's Virtual VISION 2020 which will be held Nov 29–Dec. 4

The FCS-focused day is Dec. 1 with our opening session, a variety of FCS content, and our awards ceremony. Come back on Dec. 2 for the FCS Information Booth and Best Practices (short presentations from several FCS teachers).

All of Virtual VISION 2020 will be recorded so you can watch sessions from other divisions or take advantage of professional development on your own time schedule.

Special offer for FCS Division attendees: If you register by Oct. 1, your name will be placed in a drawing for member registrations for VISION 2021 in New Orleans on Dec. 1-4! We will conduct three drawings during our FCS Division Opening Session.

For more information, please visit: https://www.careertechvision.com/

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